at, pat, cat, tam , dam, ram, sam, slam, bam, mam, cram, stam, mast, past, crass, cast, fast, gas, has, jack, crack, stack, mackdaddy, hack, tack, slack, track, brac, last, sack, quack
A - Modificado
pate, kate, mate, made, same, blame, mame, taste, paste, race, case, base, haste, same, blake, cake, rake, dame, date, pate, tame, wave
play, day, say, bay, cay, gay, hay, jay, lay, may, nay, pay, ray, way, yay, fay, way,
i - Padrão
fit, sit, bit, critter, sitter, baby sitter, mit, tit, sit, lit, kit, zit, slit, bitten, kitten, written, dig, wig, gimme, wiz, kid, slit,
bite, site, lite, kite, tike, ride, cried, died, tied, side, dice, rice, price, slice, entice
e - Padrao
bed, sled, bed, fed, meds, sex, hex, dent, tent, went, sent, pent, pant pen, fend, fand hand, sand, send, fanned, Em inglês, quando a palavra termina com "ed", é o consoante ANTES do "ed" que determina se a "e" a pronunciada ou não.
- When there is a "d" before the "ed", the "e" is pronounced.
- When there is a "t" before the "ed", the "e" is pronounced.
- When there is no "d" before the "ed, and there is no "t" before the "ed", then the "e" is NOT pronounced.
fended, blended, crated, netted, bedded, sledded, headed,
faced, tested, baisted, maced, cased, diced, mated, blessed bested