Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Passos e Processos na Pronuncia de Inglês

Para pronunciar inglês corretamente, tem que aplicar regras e processos. Por exemplo, para pronunciar a palavra "pitted", tem que primeiro dividir a palavra em sílabas. "pi - tted" O passo de dividir a palavra em sílabas é um passo essencial no processo de decodificar a pronuncia da palavra.

Depois, temos que aplicar a regra de que se não tem nem "T" nem "D" antes do "ed", NÃO vamos pronunciar "E" pois essa letra é muda nesse caso. Se tiver "T" ou "D" antes de "ed" no fim da palavra, como acima, então SIM, VAMOS pronunciar "E".

O processo necessário é dividir a palavra em sílabas. As regras necessárias são que

1). Tem que pronunciar o "E" depois do "T" e tambem depois do "D";

2). ANTES de duas consoantes iguais, tem que pronunciar a vogal como vogal padrão.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spending My Time /Passando meu tempo (Toni Braxto)

I used to date and never fall in love
Just lookin' for an experience
Spending my time wasting it foolishly
Exploring my possibilities

But then one day I ran into you
You gave me feelings I never knew
I'd like to spend my weekends with you
And weekdays too
Wouldn't that be cool
I think I'm fallin' in love with you

So I'll be spendin' my time with you
There's nothin' I'd rather do
I never had a lover like you
That makes me feel like the way that you do
You said you wanted to be serious
So speak to me cause I'm curious
To know exactly how you feel inside
And feel your sweet body touchin' mine
Cause there's so many things we can do
You give me feelings I never knew
I'd like to spend my weekends with you
And weekdays too
Wouldn't that be cool
I'm fallin', fallin', falling in love with you
So I'll be spendin' my time with you
There's nothin' I'd rather do
I never had a lover like you
That makes me feel like the way that you do
You gave me love
And baby, there's nothing better
Than the love you've given to me
Let me show you how much
I really care for you
Day and night
I'll treat you right
That's all I want to do

So I'll be spendin' my time with you
There's nothin' I'd rather do
I never had a lover like you
That makes me feel like the way that you do