Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Brick in the Wall

We don't need no education
Nos não precisamos de educação.
We don't need no thought control
Não precisamos contrôle do pensamento.

No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Não precisamos de sarcasmo escuro na sala de aula.
Teachers leave them kids alone!
Professores deixe as crianças em paz.
Hey! teachers! leave the kids alone! 
Hey!  Professores!  Deixe as crianças em paz.
All in all, you're just another brick in the wall.
Tudo resumido, você é apenas outro tijolo na parede.
All in all, you're just another brick in the wall.
Tudo resumido, você é apenas outro tijolo na parede. 

[ Lyrics from: ]
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! teacher! leave us kids alone! 
All in all you're just a another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just a another brick in the wall.

-smooth guitar solo-

"Wrong, do it again!"
Errado, faça isto de novo!
"Wrong, do it again!"
Errado, faça isto de novo! 
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding.
Se você não comer sua carne, você não pode comer pudim! 
How can you?
Você você pode?
Have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"
Comer qualquer pudim se você não comer sua carne? 
"you! yes, you behind the bike sheds, stand still laddy!"
Você!  Sim, você detrás das casinhas das bicicletas, Pare aí, garoto!

Every night in my dreams.
Toda noite nos meus sonhos,
I see you, I feel you.
Eu vejo você, eu sinto você,
That is how I know you go on.
Assim é que eu sei que você segue comigo, 
Far across the distance,
Longe pela distancia,
And spaces between us,
E espaços entre nos,
You have come to show you go on.
Você tem vindo para mostrar que você segue comigo.

Near, far, wherever you are,
Perto, longe, onde quer que você esteja, 
I believe that the heart does go on.
Eu acredito que o coração não se foi.
Once more, you open the door.
Uma vez mais, você abre a porta,
And you're here in my heart
E você está aqui no meu coração.
And my heart will go on and on.
E meu coração permanece com você.

Love can touch us one time
Amor pode nos tocar uma vez.
And last for a lifetime.
E durar pela vida toda.
And never let go 'til we're gone.
E nunca desligar até desaparecer-mos.

Love was when I loved you.
Amor foi quando eu amei você.
One true time I hold to.
Uma verdadeira vez ao que agarro.
In my life, we'll always go on.
Na minha vida, nós sempre iremos.

Near, far, wherever you are,
Perto, longe, onde quer que você esteja,
I believe that the heart does go on,
Eu acredito que o coração continua.
Once more you open the door,
Uma vez mais, você abre a porta.
And you're here in my heart
E você está aqui no meu coração.
And my heart will go on and on.
E meu coração continuará.

You're here!  There's nothing I fear!
Você está aqui!  Eu não temo nada.
And I know that my heart will go on.
E eu sei que meu coração continuará!
We'll stay forever this way.
Nós ficaremos para sempre como agora.
You are safe in my heart
Você está segura no meu coração.
And my heart will go on and on.

E meu coração seguirá.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Washington Post Cites Weaknesses of "Monochromatic" Republican Party

Examine the following paragraph from today's Washington Post and you can see a fundamental North American white supremacist paradigm shifting and giving way:

What many Republican leaders fail to understand is that the party is leaving votes on the table that could be theirs. Votes they once were able to attract before they became viewed as a collection of mean, monochromatic and reactionary people clinging to Ronald Reagan’s America instead of coming to terms with, if not embracing, the vibrant nation we live in today.  (Emphasis added.)

On the pages of the Washington Post, at least one younger African-American writer has begun to realize that America is heterochromatic, the Republican Party is "monochromatic," and "race" (which was once considered the only appropriate term for "skin color") is actually a fallacious fantasy concept with no basis in science or relevance in analytic social studies.  

In fact, in the above paragraph, Johnathan Capehart demonstrates that it is entirely possible and, yes, preferable to discuss skin chromaticity, and monochromaticity, without every using the term "race."

In a feat that many Black and white writers still believe to be impossible, Mr. Capehart writes his entire article, explaining every proposition about skin color without ever using or relying upon the anachronistic and unscientific "race" fallacy.  It's instructive to read the comments to the article as well, since the word "race" is used twenty-nine times in the comments to an article that never mentions "race" at all.  Apparently, many misinformed readers still believe that they cannot discuss skin color without reference to "race," and so that pejorative epithet persists in the conversation.

I first began to use the term bi-chromatic in, perhaps, 2007, when I realized that (1) continuing to use the "race" word inevitably perpetuates the false belief that "races" exist in the first place, and (2) chromaticity is a scientific word referring to a quality that can be measured in a scientific way, while "race" is a white supremacist term referring to centuries-long propaganda effort aimed at convincing Blacks and whites that science existed where it didn't.  

To see how revolutionary is the reference to chromaticity instead of "race," consider how often the word "race" is used in an opening paragraph of a 1896 ex-slave autobiography, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself, by Harriet A. Jacobsand how much the term defined and circumscribed the writer's sense of who she was and what that meant:
We, as the Negro Race, are a free people, and God be praised for it. We as the Negro Race, need to feel proud of the race, and I for one do with all my heart and soul and mind, knowing as I do, for I have labored for the good of the race, that their children might be the bright and shining lights. And we can see the progress that we are making in an educational way in a short time, and I think that we should feel very grateful to God and those who are trying to help us forward. God bless such with their health, and heart full of that same love, that this world can not give nor taketh away.

There are many doors that are shut to keep us back as a race, but some are opened to us, and God be praised for those that are opened to the race, and I hope that they will be true to their trust and be of the greatest help to those that have given them a chance.
So profound is the concept of race, as opposed to mere skin-color, embedded in her understand of herself and her world that she uses the term "race" five times in two paragraphs, without ever mentioning skin-color, which was the specious basis upon which the existence of fallacious "race" was proposed.

Clearly that slave narrative reflects a fundamental acceptance of the difference and otherness that the term "race" implies, with separate aspirations based on skin color as a fact of life, but which paradigm a substantial number of white-skinned American voters rejected in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, when they decided that brown-skinned Barack Obama was more similar to them and their aspirations than was white-skinned John McCain and Mitt Romney, while rejecting the paradigm in which skin-color = race = fundamental and over-arching difference.  
Johnathan Capehart's use of the word "monochromatic" is, I predict, a sign of a fundamental reordering of this nation's and the world's understanding of what skin chromaticity means and doesn't mean as a matter of science.  As a matter of genetics, skin color means skin color and cannot be relied upon to mean anything else at all, according to the US Department of Energy's Human Genome Project findings, based on mapping the entire human genome.

Bridge Over Troubled Water

When you're weary, feeling small.   
Quando você estiver cansado, sentindo pequeno,
When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all (all).
Quando lagrimas estão nos seus olhos, eu secarei todas elas. 
I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough.
Eu estou ao seu lado, quando as coisas estiverem difíceis.
And friends just can't be found,
E os amigos não se encontram,
Like a bridge over troubled water
Como uma ponte sobre aguas turbulentas, 
I will lay me down!
Eu me deitarei.
Like a bridge over troubled water
Como uma ponte sobre aguas turbulentas, 
I will lay me down
Eu me deitarei!

When you're down and out,
Quando você estiver deprimida e no fim da linha,
When you're on the street
Quando você esta na rua,
When evening falls so hard,
Quando a noite cai fechada,
I will comfort you (ooo)
Eu confortarei você.
I'll take your part, oh, when darkness comes.
Eu serei seu parceiro, oh, quando a escuridão vier,
And pain is all around.
E dor está em toda volta,
Like a bridge over troubled water
Como a ponte sobre as aguas turbulentas,
I will lay me down
Eu me deitarei!
Like a bridge over troubled water
Como a ponte sobre as aguas turbulentas,
I will lay me down
Eu me deitarei!

Sail on silver girl.
Segue naveguando garota de prata. 
Sail on by.
Vai passar.
Your time has come to shine.
Chegou seu momento para brilhar.
All your dreams are on their way
Todos os seus sonhos estão vindo.
See how they shine
Veja como eles brilham!
Oh, if you need a friend,
Oh, se você precisa um amigo,
I'm sailing right behind
Estou navegando bem atrás.

Like a bridge over troubled water,
Como uma ponte sobre turbulentas aguas,
I will ease your mind.
Eu facilitarei sua mente.
Like a bridge over troubled water,
Como uma ponte sobre turbulentas aguas,
I will ease your mind.
Eu facilitarei sua mente.