Friday, February 29, 2008

Beautiful Day / Um lindo dia

The heart is a bloom, O coração é uma flor desabrochando.
shoots up through the stony ground. que dispara quebrando a terra rochosa.
There's no room, Não tem espaço.
no space to rent in this town nenhum espaço para alugar nesta villarejo.
You're out of luck and Você está sem sorte e
the reason that you had to care, o motivo que você teve que se importar.
The traffic is stuck, O tráfico está engarrafado,
and you're not moving anywhere. e você não se está movendo para nenhum lado.
You thought you'd found a friend Você pensou que tinha encontrado um amigo
to take you out of this place. quem te tirava de aquela praça.
Someone you could lend a hand Alguma a que você podia prestar a mão
in return for grace em troca de uma graça.

It's a beautiful day, É um lindo dia.
The sky falls. O céu cai.
And you feel like it's a beautiful day. E você sente que é um lindo dia.
Don't let it get away! Não o deixe escapar!

You're on the road. Você está no caminho.
but you've got no destination. Mas você não tem destino.
You're in the mud, você está na lama.
in the maze of her imagination. Um labarinto da imaginação dela.
You love this town even if that doesn't ring true. Você ama essa vilarejo mesmo se não é verdadeiro.
You've been all over. Você tem estado em todas as partes.
and it's been all over you. E isso tem estado em você.

It's a beautiful day. E um lindo dia.
Don't let it get away. Não deixe o dia ir embora.
It's a beautiful day. E um lindo dia.
Don't let it get away. Não deixe o dia ir embora.

Touch me, Toque me
take me to that other place. leva-me para outro lugar.
Teach me, ensine-me
I know I'm not a hopeless case. Eu sei que eu não sou um caso perdido.

See the world in green and blue. Veja o mundo em verde e azul.
See China right in front of you. Veja a china imediatamente em frente a você.
See the canyons broken by cloud. Vejo os canyons encoberto entre as nuvens.
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out. Veja os pescadores de atum esvaziando o mar.
See the Bedouin fires at night. Veja os Beduinos fogo na noite.
See the oil fields at first light. Veja o campo de petróleo na primeira claridade.
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth. Com a folha em seu bico.
After the flood all the colors came out. Depois da enchente todas as cores vão embora.

It was a beautiful day . Isso foi um lindo dia
Beautiful day . lindo dia.Não deixe o dia ir embora.
Don't let it get away.Não deixe o dia ir embora

Touch me, take me to that other place. Toque me, leva-me para outro lugar.
Reach me, I know I'm not a hopeless case. Responda - me, eu sei que não sou um caso perdido.

What you don't have you don't need it now. O que você não precisa ter agora.
What you don't know you can feel it somehow. O que você não sabe pode sentir de algum jeito.
What you don't have you don't need it now. O que você não precisa ter agora.
You don't need it now, Você não precisa disso agora.
you don't need it now,Você não precisa disso agora.

Beautiful day. lindo dia.

With or Without You / Com ou sem você

See the stone set in your eyes. Veja a pedra colocado no seu olho.
See the thorn twist in your side. Veja a espinho girar nas suas costas.
I wait for you. Eu espero você.

Sleight of hand and twist of fate. Mágica na mão e mudança de destino.
On a bed of nails she makes me wait. Em uma cama de pregos, ela te faz esperar.
And I wait without you! E eu espero sem você.

With or without you! Com ou sem você!
With or without you! Com ou sem você!

Through the storm we reach the shore. Atravez do temporal, nós chegamos na beira.
You give it all but I want more. Você da todo, mas eu quero mais.
And I'm waiting for you. E eu estou esperando você.

With or without you! Com ou sem você!
With or without you! Com ou sem você!
I can't live! Eu não posso viver.
With or without you! Com ou sem você!

And you give yourself away! E você se da/se entrega!
And you give yourself away! E você se da/se entrega!
And you give. E você da . . !
And you give. E você da . . !
And you give yourself away. E você se da/se entrega!

My hands are tied. Minhas mãos acorrentadas.
My body bruised, Meu corpo machucado,
She's got me with ela me tem sem
nothing to win and nothing to lose. sem nada para ganhar e nada para perder.

And you give yourself away. E você se da/se entrega!
And you give yourself away. E você se da/se entrega!
And you give. E você da . . !
And you give. E você da . . !
And you give yourself away! E você se da/se entrega!

With or without you! Com ou sem você!
With or without you! Com ou sem você!
I can't live! Eu não posso viver.
With or without you! Com ou sem você!

With or without you! Com ou sem você!
With or without you! Com ou sem você!
I can't live! Eu não posso viver!
With or without you! Com ou sem você!
With or without you! Com ou sem você!

Celebration / Celebração

Shake! shake! Balança! Balança!

Dont go. Não vai.
I believe in a celebration. Eu acredito na celebração.
I believe you set me free. Eu acredito que você me livrou.
I believe you can loose these chains Eu acredito que você pode soltar estas correntes
I believe you can dance with me. Eu acredito que você pode dançar comigo.
Dance with me Dance comigo.

Shake! shake! Balançe, balançe!
Shake! shake! Balançe, Balançe!

I believe in the third world war. Eu acredito num terceira guerra mundial
I believe in the atomic bomb. Eu acredito na bomba atómica.
I believe in the powers that be. Eu acredito nos poderes em ser.
But they won't overpower me. Mas, eles não me controlarão.

And, and you can go there too! E, e você pode ir lá tambem.
And, and you can go go go go! E você pode ir, ir, ir, ir.

Shake! shake! Balançe! balançe!
Shake! shake! Balançe! balançe!

And we don't have the time. E nós não temos tempo.
And everything goes round and round E tudo vai dando voltas e voltas.
And we don't have the time. E nós não temos tempo
to watch the world go tumbling down. para guardar o mundo caindo abaixo.

Go! go! Ir! Ir!

I believe in the bells of Christ's church. Eu acredito nas sinos da igreja do Cristo.
Ringing for this land. Tocam para esta terra.
I believe in the cells of Mount Joy. Eu acredito nas celulas da montanha alegria
Doesn't understand Não entende.

And, and you can go there too. E, e você pode ir lá tambem.
And, and you can go go go go E você pode ir, ir, ir, ir.

I believe in the Walls of Jericho. Eu acredito nas Paredes de Jerico.
(and You...) E você?
I believe they're coming down. Eu acredito que eles estão vindo para abaixo.
(can Go there too) (Podem ir lá tambem.)
I believe in this City's children. Eu acredito nas crianças da Cidade
(and you.. .(E você?)
I believe the trumpets sound. Eu acredito que as trompetes soam.
(can Go go go go) (Podem ir, ir, ir lá tambem.)

And, and you can go there too! E, e você pode ir lá tambem.
And, and you can go go go go! E você pode ir, ir, ir, ir.

I believe in what I'm doing. Eu acredito no que eu estou fazendo.
What am I doing here... O que eu faço aqui.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Time After Time

From the movie.

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick, Deitada na minha cama, eu escuto o "tick tack" do relogio
and think of you. e eu penso em você.
Caught up in circles confusion-- Presa em circulos confusos.
is nothing new. não é nada de novo
Flashback--warm nights-- Lembranças - - noites mornas
almost left behind. quase deixada para atrás.
Suitcases of memories, Malas de memorias
time after. . . . tempos depois . . .

Sometimes you picture me . . . As vezes você me imagina . . .
I'm walking too far ahead. Estou andando em frente demais.
You're calling to me, I can't hear. Você está chamando-me, no posso ouvir.
What you've said. O que você tem dito.
Then you say, "Go slow." Então você fala, "Vai de vagar."
I fall behind. Eu fico para atrás.
The second hand unwinds. O pontero grande retrocede.


If you're lost, you can look Se você está perdido, você pode procurar
and you will find me, e você vai me encontrar.
time after time Uma e outra vez. (No tempo certo.)
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting. Se você cair eu vou te levantar. Eu estarei esperando.
time after time Uma e outra vez. (No tempo certo.)

After my picture fades, Depois meu quadro desbotar
and darkness has turned to gray, e escuridão tem tornado cinza,
Watching through windows--you're wondering Observando pelas janelas, você está se perguntando
if I'm OK se eu estou bem.
Secrets stolen from deep inside. Segredos profundos roubados de dentro
The drum beats out of time. as batidas dos tambores fora do rítimo.

Chorus: Refrão

If you're lost you can look--and you will find me, Se você está perdido, você pode procurar e você vai me encontrar.
time after time Uma e outra vez. (No tempo certo.)
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting. Se você cair eu vou te levantar. Eu estarei esperando.
time after time Uma e outra vez. (No tempo certo.)

You said go slow. Você diz, "Vai de vagar . . ."
I fall behind. Eu fico para atrás.
The second hand unwinds. O ponteiro grande retrocede . . .

Chorus: Refrão

If you're lost you can look--and you will find me, Se você está perdido, você pode procurar e você vai me encontrar.
time after time Uma e outra vez. (No tempo certo.)
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting. Se você cair eu vou te levantar. Eu estarei esperando.
time after time Uma e outra vez. (No tempo certo.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Will Always Love You / Eu vou sempre amar você.

If I should stay, Se eu devo ficar aqui,
I would only be in your way. I só iria te atrapalhar.
So I'll go, but I know. Então eu irei, mas eu sei
I'll think of you ev'ry step of the way. Eu vou pensar em você cada paso do caminho.

And I will always love you. E eu sempre te amarei.
I will always love you. Eu sempre te amarei.
You, my darling you. Hmm. Você, meu querido, hmm.

Bittersweet memories . . . Memorias agridoces . . .
that is all I'm taking with me. Isto é tudo que eu estou levando comigo.
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry. Então, adeus. Por favor não chorei.
We both know I'm not what you, you need. Nos dois sabemos que eu não sou o que você, você precisa.

And I will always love you. E eu sempre vou te amar.
I will always love you. Eu sempre

(Instrumental solo)

I hope life treats you kind. Eu espero que a vida te trate ternamente
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of. E espero que você realize todos seus sonhos.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness. E eu desejo para você joia e felicidade.
But above all this, I wish you love. Mas, sobre tudo esto, eu desejo que voce ame.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I will always love you.
I, I will always love you.

You, darling, I love you. Você querido, eu te amo.
Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you. OO, eu sempre, eu sempre te amarei.

Dear Abby: Being compared to a ghost / There's a ghost between us.

DEAR ABBY: I have been engaged to a widower I'll call "Grant" for about a year. Grant's wife, "Lilly," has been gone for 15 years. He talks about her frequently, which is OK with me. Lilly was an important part of his life for a long time.

My problem is, I feel I can never quite measure up to her. When we're out in public, he frequently refers to "his late wife," which makes me a bit uncomfortable. Recently he said to me in conversation,

"Do I wish I had never met you and Lilly was still alive? Absolutely!"

It came out of the blue and hit me like a lead balloon.

I understand that Grant wishes his late wife were still alive, but did he have to say, "Do I wish I had never met you?" He is also critical of me and puts me down rather often. When I became upset about his comment, he acted like I was overreacting and overly sensitive.

I feel so hurt. I don't even know if I want to be with Grant anymore. Please give me some advice. My self-esteem is at an all-time low, and I am very depressed. -- UNDERVALUED IN PANAMA CITY, FLA.

DEAR UNDERVALUED: Is it possible that your fiance's comment was in response to something you said to him? (Example: "Grant, you bring up Lilly so often it makes me feel like you wish you had never met me ...")

It appears your fiance isn't particularly sensitive to your feelings and isn't likely to change. However, what troubles me more about your letter than the fact that Grant lacks tact and often refers to his late wife -- with whom he obviously had a lot of history -- is the fact that he puts you down and then blames you for reacting. If this is what you would tolerate in a husband, then you're a glutton for punishment.

Dear Abby: My Husband is ugly, and his children will be too.

DEAR ABBY: I am married but have two children, "Venus" and "Adonis," from a previous relationship. These children are very good-looking, and I'm not just saying that because I'm their mom.

My husband, "Herman," is ready for us to start our own family soon. Not to sound shallow, but Herman was not a very cute kid. He wore thick glasses and braces as a child. Whenever I am asked by either Herman or his family if I think he was a cute baby, I lie.

I know I would love our babies as much as I do Venus and Adonis, but I'm afraid they will not be as cute, and that everyone will know my older children have a different father.

These worries are causing me to have doubts about having kids with Herman. Am I that shallow? Am I not in love enough with Herman because I'm scared our children will be ... ugly? This is killing me. Herman wants to start trying for a family this summer. Help! -- WORRIED ABOUT GENETICS, CLARKSVILLE, TENN.

DEAR WORRIED: I have news for you. Herman was a typical kid -- and look how he turned out. He's attractive enough that you married him.

There are no guarantees regardless of the gene pool you're fishing in. I firmly believe that each generation is becoming more beautiful than the last -- or at least that's how it appears to me as I look around.

But please understand that nobody else cares who fathered Venus and Adonis, and it's time to give up your obsession about it.

Our Answer: Dear Worried about Genetics: You need to look for and SEE a psychologist, because you are so worried that you are "obsessed." Psychologists and psychiatrists treat obsessions, sometimes with anti-depressant medications. Get help soon, dear.

Or, tell your husband about your concerns. He will divorce you, and then you can find a more handsome husband. (Just kidding. Get help soon!)

Monday, February 25, 2008

What a Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong

I see trees of green...... red roses too. Eu vejo árvores verdes........ rosas vermelhas também.
I see them bloom..... for me and for you. Eu vejo-os florescer......... para mim e para você.
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world. E eu penso comigo mesmo.......que mundo maravilhoso.

I see skies of blue..... clouds of white. Eu vejo céus azuis......nuvens brancas.
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights. Dias abençoadamente luminosos.
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world. E eu penso comigo mesmo.......que mundo maravilhoso.

The colors of a pretty in the sky. As cores de um arco- íris......tão céu.
Are also on the faces.....of people going by.Também em suas faces...das pessoas...passando.
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do. Eu vejo amigos comprimentando -se .....dizendo....como você está.
They're really sayin......i love you. Eles realmente estão dizendo amo você

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow. Eu ouço bebês chorar..... eu vejo eles crescerem.
They'll learn much more.....than I'll never know. Eles aprenderão muito mais do que eu nunca saberei.
And I think to myself ....., E eu penso comigo mesmo.....,
'What a wonderful world.' Que mundo maravilhoso.

(instrumental break)

The colors of the pretty in the sky. As cores do arco- íris.... tão bonitas no céu.
Are there on the faces.....of people going by. Também em seus rostos...das pessoas que vão passando.
I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do? Eu vejo amigos comprimentando -se ....dizendo....como você está.
They're really sayin...*spoken*(I Eles realmente dizem...*dizendo*( eu ....te...amo).

I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow. Eu ouço bebês chorando..... eu cuido para que eles crescem.
*spoken*(you know they're gonna learn. Dizendo(você sabe, eles vão aprender.
A whole lot more than I'll never know) . Eles irão aprender muito mais que eu.
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.E eu peso comigo mesmo...que mundo maravilhoso
Yes I think to myself .......what a wonderful world.E eu peso comigo mesmo...que mundo maravilhoso

I Get Ideas /

Give me a kiss to build a dream on /

Version I, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Louis Armstrong)

(Spoken) (Falado)
Here's a little number we're
Yes, Sim,
give me a kiss to build a dream on, Dê-me um beijo pra construir um sonho,
And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss. E minha imaginação ficar muito bêm com esse beijo.
Sweetheart, I ask no more than this: Doce coração, eu peço nada mais do que isso:
A kiss to build a dream on. Um beijo para construir um sonho.

Yeah . . . Sim . . .

Give me a kiss before you leave me, Dê-me um beijo antes de você me-deixar,
And my imagination will feed my hungry heart. E minha imaginação dar comida para meu coração.
Leave me one thing before we part: Deixa-me uma coisa antes nos partir:
A kiss to build a dream on. Um beijo para construir um sonho.

When I'm alone with my fancies, Quando estiver sozinho com as minhas fantasias,
I'll be with you. Eu estarei com você.
Weaving romances, trançando romances,
making believe they're true. fazendo acreditar que sejam verdadeiros.

Babe, give me your lips for just a moment, Querida, dê-me os seus labios por apenas um momento.
And my imagination will make that moment live. E minha imaginação vai me-fazer viver esse momento.
Yes, give me what you alone can give: Sim, dê-me o que você só pode dar:
A kiss to build a dream on. Um beijo para fazer um sonho.

(instrumental break)

When I'm alone, Quando eu estou sozinho,
with my fancies, com as minhas fantasias
Yes, I'll be with you. Sim, eu vou estar com você.
Oh, weaving romances, Oh, trançando romances,
Ya da da da da, making believe they're true. Ya da da da da, fazendo acreditar que sejam verdadeiros.

Oh, lend me your chops for just a moment, Oh, empreste-me seus labios por um momento,
And my imagination will make that moment live! E minha imaginação vai me-fazer viver esse momento.
Give me what you alone can give: Dê-me o que apenas você pode dar,
A kiss to build a dream on! Um beijo para fazer um sonho.

Version II, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Louis Armstrong)

Give me a kiss to build a dream on, Dê-me um beijo pra construir um sonho,
And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss. E minha imaginação ficar muito bêm com esse beijo.
Sweetheart, I ask no more than this: Doce coração, eu peço nada mais do que isso:
A kiss to build a dream on. Um beijo para construir um sonho.

Mmmmm Mmmmm

Give me a kiss before you leave me, Dê-me um beijo antes de você me-deixar,
And my imagination will feed my hungry heart. E minha imaginação dar comida para meu coração.
Leave me one thing before we part: Deixa-me uma coisa antes nos partir:
A kiss to build a dream on. Um beijo para construir um sonho.

When I'm alone with my fancies, Quando estiver sozinho com as minhas fantasias,
I'll be with you. Eu estarei com você.
Weaving romances, trançando romances,
making believe they're true. fazendo acreditar que sejam verdadeiros.

Babe, give me your lips for just a moment, Querida, dê-me os seus labios por apenas um momento.
And my imagination will make that moment live. E minha imaginação vai me-fazer viver esse momento.
Yes, give me what you alone can give: Sim, dê-me o que você só pode dar:
A kiss to build a dream on. Um beijo para fazer um sonho.

(instrumental break)

When I'm alone, Quando eu estou sozinho,
with my fancies, com as minhas fantasias
Yes, I'll be with you. Sim, eu vou estar com você.
Oh, weaving romances, Oh, trançando romances,
Ya da da da da, making believe they're true. Ya da da da da, fazendo acreditar que sejam verdadeiros.

Oh, lend me your chops for just a moment, Oh, empreste-me seus labios por um momento,
And my imagination will make that moment live! E minha imaginação vai me-fazer viver esse momento.
Give me what you alone can give: Dê-me o que apenas você pode dar,
A kiss to build a dream on! Um beijo para fazer um sonho.

Version III, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Louis Armstrong)

Version IV, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Louis Armstrong)

Version V, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Louis Armstrong)

Version VI, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Manhattan Transfer)

Version VII, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Louis Armstrong)

Version VIII, A Kiss to Build a Dream On (Wesla Whitfield)

This is what Airjudden.Tripod.Com says about the life of Louis Armstrong:

Louis Armstrong is the most important figure in jazz history. He played innovative, powerful, yet technically brilliant solos that took jazz from a fun "dance" music to an art form. With his divine and unmistakable sound, he more-or-less invented the jazz solo, as well as the concept of "swing."

He took was born in New Orleans in 1901. He was raised in the tough part of town. On New Year's Eve, 1912, he fired his father's gun in celebration and was arrested and sent to the Colored Waifs' Home. There, he quickly excelled in music and was promoted to bugler. Afterwards, he played around town and on riverboats. He joined his idol, King Oliver. In 1922, two years after Oliver left for Chicago, he summoned Armstrong to join him and he did. In Chicago, they became the top group, and in the group, Armstrong met his second wife, pianist Lil Hardin. With Hardin's urging, he eventually left Chicago and joined Fletcher Henderson's orchestra in New York. There, he continued influencing countless musicians.

He returned to Chicago in the late 1920s and recorded a series of records for $50 a side. These recordings, the Hot Fives & Sevens, became revered and thoroughly studied by jazz musicians and enthusiasts through the ages. During the timeframe of these recordings, Armstrong started working with Earl Hines, a pianist who was Armstrong's counterpart on piano.

Along with his coronet/trumpet playing, Armstrong also influenced American vocals as well, with his interpretive and voicing innovations. Composer Cole Porter once said that the raspy Armstrong was his favorite vocalist. According to legend, while Armstrong was singing in the studio, his music fell off the stand. Armstrong looked at the producer in the booth, who signaled for him to continue, so he started "singing" a solo with nonsensical phrases. This is the supposed birth of "scat singing" which Armstrong invented and which has become a standard part of jazz singing (Ella Fitzgerald was a noted scat singer).

In the 1930s, Satchmo (a nickname that came from the word "Satchelmouth") fronted a big band and toured the United States and Europe. His popularity increased even more as he appeared in films, such as Pennies from Heaven with Bing Crosby.

During the 1940s, he gave up the big band in favor of a smaller group called the All-Stars. They were a New Orleans-style sextet that included, at times, Hines and trombonist Jack Teagarden. For the rest of his life, he didn't stray far from this setting. He toured the world, often under the auspices of the U.S. State Department. He rose to the top of the pop charts with his recordings of "What a Wonderful World" and "Hello, Dolly".

Louis Armstrong died of hart trouble in 1971. More than 20,000 came to pay respects and his funeral was televised.